Magic Beauty Wellness

Magic Beauty Wellness located in Rosemead CA. We offers a variety of services such as (Manicure, Pedicure, Eyelashes, Facial and Wellness!) Come and Reserve with Go3 Reservation now!


We value your time and commitment to Magic Beauty Wellness. We kindly request that all online reservations be honored promptly. If a reservation is not honored or you arrive significantly late without notice, we may be unable to accept future reservations from that customer. We appreciate your understanding in ensuring a smooth experience for all our guests.

Please call and confirm for the the current day appointment. 当天预约的一定要打电话确认。: +1(626) 653-6698

Monday-Sunday 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM, Appointment only.

Magic Beauty Wellness offers a variety of beauty enhancements such as (eyelash extensions, manicure, pedicure, facial and wellness). Our licensed and certified professionals provide with a uniquely customized experience. A unique destination to relax your mind and body, relieve stress, and enjoy luxurious moments. 

Treat yourself with our beauty and relaxing services and it's worth a try. We have promos to avail during holidays and special occasions to make sure you can have your personal time to relax. Give your family and loved ones a day that they deserve. Set your appointment or contact us for any questions! 

We are looking forward to seeing you soon!

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